Quotes about Adherence
See that you do everything I command you; do not add to it or subtract from it.
- Deuteronomy 12:32
Do not turn aside to the right or to the left from any of the words I command you today, and do not go after other gods to serve them.
- Deuteronomy 28:14
Instead, you shall hold fast to the LORD your God, as you have done to this day.
- Joshua 23:8
Go at once to King David and say, ‘My lord the king, did you not swear to your maidservant, “Surely your son Solomon will reign after me, and he will sit on my throne”? Why then has Adonijah become king?’
- 1 Kings 1:13
So let your heart be fully devoted to the LORD our God, as it is this day, to walk in His statutes and to keep His commandments.”
- 1 Kings 8:61
But they would not listen, and they persisted in their former customs.
- 2 Kings 17:40
if they violate My statutes and fail to keep My commandments,
- Psalm 89:31
Hold on to instruction; do not let go. Guard it, for it is your life.
- Proverbs 4:13
Bind them always upon your heart; tie them around your neck.
- Proverbs 6:21
Who among you will pay attention to this? Who will listen and obey hereafter?
- Isaiah 42:23
But we have lived in tents and have obeyed and done exactly as our forefather Jonadab commanded us.
- Jeremiah 35:10
Then Jeremiah said to the house of the Rechabites: “This is what the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel, says: ‘Because you have obeyed the command of your forefather Jonadab and have kept all his commandments and have done all that he charged you to do,
- Jeremiah 35:18