Quotes about Condition
Anything that reflects the human condition back on humans in the entertainment medium is art.
- Tucker Max
Disease [is] not an entity, but a fluctuating condition of the patient's body, a battle between the substance of disease and the natural self-healing tendency of the body.
- Hippocrates
But their minds were made dull . . . a veil covers their hearts" (2 Cor. 3:14—15). Notice this: a veil that first covers the face eventually covers the heart. It begins as just a superficial covering, a temporary attempt to cover up a problem rather than addressing it head-on. But left unchecked, the hidden problem will become a serious spiritual condition.
- Craig Groeschel
Life has trained many of us to think of love as temporary and conditional.
- Craig Groeschel
God's highest agenda is not our immediate happiness. I believe that God is much more committed to our eternal joy, our spiritual growth, and the condition of our hearts.
- Craig Groeschel
I am on the point of going to Brussels. Mr. Plugge wrote me about Vincent. He is weak and thin - it seems he was not given any prospects, and I am worried. According to Mr. Plugge's letter, he cannot sleep and seems to be in a nervous condition. Therefore I want to go and see for myself what we should do.
- Vincent Van Gogh
If a condition could be conceived in which all the preaching of the Church should be controlled by the liberalism which in many quarters has already become preponderant, then, we believe, Christianity would at last have perished from the earth and the gospel would have sounded forth for the last time. If so, it follows that the inquiry with which we are now concerned is immeasurably the most important of all those with which the Church has to deal.
- J. Gresham Machen
No one who is in this world will deny that evils exist. What, then, do we say? That evil is not a living and animated substance, but a condition of the soul which is opposed to virtue and which springs up In the slothful because of their falling away from good.
- St. Basil
The accurate measurement of our true spiritual condition lies in our actual obedience to His will.
- John Bevere
Trials and testings locate a person. In other words, they determine your spiritual position. They reveal the true condition of your heart.
- John Bevere
but yet I was bound in the wings of the temptation, and the wind would carry me away. I thought also of Saul, and of the evil spirit that did possess him: and did greatly fear that my condition was the same with that of his. 1 Sam. x.
- John Bunyan
I know no condition of the soul that is more dangerous than to imagine we are born again and sanctified by the Holy Spirit because we have picked up a few religious feelings.
- JC Ryle