Quotes about Treatment
Your wrong habits of eating have so educated your moral powers that you have not the spirit of a Christian. Your temper is perverse, and your treatment of dumb [voiceless] animals is wrong.
- Ellen White
By what right has the dog come to be regarded as a noble animal? The more brutal and cruel and unjust you are to him the more your fawning and adoring slave he becomes; whereas, if you shamefully misuse a cat once she will always maintain a dignified reserve toward you afterward--you will never get her full confidence again.
- Mark Twain
A surgeon in charge of my surgery rotation said that he knew who I was but that he was going to treat me as if I was normal. I sincerely thanked him and told him I would try to act that way.
- Mark Vonnegut
What we do to the animals is perhaps their hell
- Arthur Schopenhaur
So we read, in Heb. xiii. 17, of ministers being rulers in the house of God, "that watch for souls, as those that must give account." And we see by the forementioned Luke xiv., that ministers must give an account to their master, not only of their own behavior in the discharge of their office, but also of their people's reception of them, and of the treatment they have met with among them. And
- Jonathan Edwards
There is no disease more conducive to clinical humility than aneurysm of the aorta.
- William Osler
For the sick it is important to have the best.
- Florence Nightingale
As to diseases, make a habit of two things — to help, or at least, to do no harm.
- Hippocrates
It is much easier to trust in the sovereignty of God when it is the other person who is hurting. We need to be like Jesus, of whom it was said, "A bruised reed he will not break" (Matthew 12:20). Let us not be guilty of breaking a bruised reed (a heavy heart) by insensitive treatment of the heavy doctrine of the sovereignty of God.
- Jerry Bridges
There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children.
- Nelson Mandela
We can't treat the Bible with kid gloves. We really need to wrestle with the issues, because our faith depends on it.
- Lee Strobel
We set the treatment of bodies so high above the treatment of souls, that the physician occupies a higher place in society than the school-master.
- Florence Nightingale