Quotes about Willpower
Always remember that you have been created with a will that is stronger than your emotions. You can choose how you act, despite how you feel.
- Andy Andrews
THE FOURTH DECISION FOR SUCCESS: I have a decided heart.
- Andy Andrews
I will form good habits and become their slave. And how will I accomplish this difficult feat? Through these scrolls it will be done, for each scroll contains a principle which will drive a bad habit from my life and replace it with one which will bring me closer to success.
- Og Mandino
What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a man is in that state of mind in which he knows exactly what he wants and is fully determined not to quit until he finds it.
- Alexander Graham Bell
We clearly see in God's Word that anything He tells us to do, He will give us the ability to do it. But do we really believe it? Do we want to believe it? It's easier to come up with excuses for why we can't do things that are hard or that we really don't want to do.
- Joyce Meyer
No man is free who is not a master of himself.
- Robin Sharma
When spider webs unite, they tie up a lion.' When you liberate your willpower, you become the master of your personal world.
- Robin Sharma
There's always a way - if you're committed.
- Tony Robbins
All that spirits desire, spirits attain.
- Khalil Gibran
One who conquers others is great, one who conquers the world is mighty, but one who conquers himself is divine.
- Matshona Dhliwayo
Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period.
- Lou Holtz
The hardest victory is the victory over self.
- Aristotle