Quotes about Willpower
Through sheer force of will and brainpower, he'd once again turned science fiction into science fact, without much regard for the long-term consequences.
- Ernest Cline
Intentions must mature into commitments if we are to become persons with definition, with character, with substance.
- Eugene Peterson
Trusting God is not a matter of my feelings but of my will.
- Jerry Bridges
When we would say, 'No way,' he would say, 'My way.
- Max Lucado
Ain't nothin' to it, but to do it.
- Maya Angelou
We need the courage to create ourselves daily, to be bodacious enough to create ourselves daily — as Christians, as Jews, as Muslims, as thinking, caring, laughing, loving human beings. I think that the courage to confront evil and turn it by dint of will into something applicable to the development of our evolution, individually and collectively, is exciting, honorable.
- Maya Angelou
The hardship of the exercises is intended less to strengthen the back than to toughen the mind. The Spartans say that any army may win while it still has its legs under it; the real test comes when all strength is fled and the men must produce victory on will alone.
- Steven Pressfield
The will to victory may be demonstrated in places other than actual battle.
- Steven Pressfield
The professional gives an ear to criticism, seeking to learn and grow. But she never forgets that Resistance is using criticism against her on a far more diabolical level. Resistance enlists criticism to reinforce the fifth column of fear already at work inside the artist's head, seeking to break her will and crack her dedication. The professional does not fall for this. Her resolution, before all others, remains: No matter what, I will never let Resistance beat me.
- Steven Pressfield
The only items you get to keep are love for the work, will to finish, and passion to serve the ethical, creative Muse.
- Steven Pressfield
any act that derives from our higher nature instead of our lower. Any of these acts will elicit Resistance.
- Steven Pressfield
Life is action, Junah. Even choosing not to act, we act. We cannot do otherwise. Therefore act with vigor!
- Steven Pressfield