Quotes about Value
The root meaning of the Old Testament word for holiness is the idea of being separate—different and separated from the ordinary. And when applied to God, this separateness implies that he is in a class by himself. He is like a one-of-a-kind diamond, supremely valuable. We can use the word transcendent for this kind of divine separateness. He is so uniquely separate that he transcends all other reality. He is above it and more valuable than all of it.
- John Piper
All sin comes from not putting supreme value on the glory of God—this is the very essence of sin.
- John Piper
But if you want to glorify the worth of a spring you do it by getting down on your hands and knees and drinking to your heart's satisfaction
- John Piper
If we live twenty-nine years or if we live ninety-nine years, would not any hardships be worth the saving of one person from the eternal torments of hell for the everlasting enjoyment of the glory of God?
- John Piper
It is better to lose your life than to waste it.
- John Piper
The short sayings of the wise and good men are of great value, like the dust of gold, or the sparks of diamonds.
- John Tillotson
Only one lease of life is granted us; and the inquiry with every one should be, "How can I invest my powers so that they may yield the greatest profit? How can I do most for the glory of God and the benefit of my fellow men?" For life is valuable only as it is used for the attainment of these ends.
- Ellen White
O that you would realize that each moment is golden.
- Ellen White
Health is a treasure. Of all temporal possessions it is the most precious.
- Ellen White
Those who feel the constraining love of God, do not ask how little may be given to meet the requirements of God; they do not ask for the lowest standard, but aim at perfect conformity to the will of their Redeemer. With earnest desire they yield all, and manifest an interest proportionate to the value of the object which they seek.
- Ellen White
No value is attached to a mere profession of faith in Christ; only the love which is shown by works is counted genuine. Yet it is love alone which in the sight of Heaven makes any act of value.—The Faith I Live By,
- Ellen White
We, too, must have times set apart for meditation and prayer and for receiving spiritual refreshing. We do not value the power and efficacy of prayer as we should. Prayer and faith will do what no power on earth can accomplish.
- Ellen White