Quotes about Sharing
A triune God would call us to converse with him . . . because he wants to share the joy he has. Prayer is our way of entering into the happiness of God himself.
- Timothy Keller
God has so ordered this world that no one can keep his goodness or badness exclusively to himself.
- Mahatma Gandhi
It is good for us to think that no grace or blessing is truly ours till we are aware that God has blessed some one else with it through us.
- Phillips Brooks
Why not begin operating under the idea that God has given us excess, not so we could have more, but so we could give more?
- David Platt
In whatever God does in the course of our lives, he gives us, through the experience, some power to help others.
- Elisabeth Elliot
If we exchange one dollar, we both have one dollar each. But if we exchange one good thought, we both have two good thoughts
- Abraham Lincoln
A good leader shares information, even if they don't know the whole story. Without any information, people create their own, which causes fear and paranoia.
- Simon Sinek