Quotes about Sharing
But life's joys are only joys if they can be shared.
- Ravi Zacharias
Nothing in Man is either worse or better for being shared with the beasts.
- CS Lewis
The real implication of equal distribution is that each man shall have the wherewithal to supply all his natural needs and no more.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Money in the hands of one or two men is like a dungheap in a barnyard. So long as it lies in a mass, it does no good; but, if it is only spread out evenly on the land, everything will grow.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Whatever a man has in superabundance is owed, of natural right, to the poor for their sustenance.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
The cure for materialism is to have enough for everybody and to share. When people are sure of having what they need they cease to think about it.
- Henry Ford
There's plenty of room for everyone in the world. Enough money, riches, and beauty for all to share. God has made enought for everyone, so let us all begin then by sharing it fairly.
- Anne Frank
We can say, "if you want government money, you have to make this data public - you have to share it."
- Joe Biden
Whenever you share love with others, you'll notice the peace that comes to you and to them.
- Mother Teresa
There is enough in the world for everyone to have plenty, to live happily, and to be at peace with his neighbors.
- Harry S. Truman
Imagine all the people Sharing all the world.
- John Lennon
It is evident that imputation depends ?upon our union with Christ. "Having been made by God a surety for us and given to us for a head, he can communicate to us his righteousness and all of his benefits." Our union with Christ is the "cause and foundation" of our sharing in all his benefits, including justification (remission of sins and adoption as sons) (1992, 16.6).
- William Lane Craig