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Quotes about Sharing

I encourage you to deliberately look for something to smile or laugh about every day, and be sure to share a smile or a laugh with someone else and brighten their day too!
- Joyce Meyer
Often we come home from a sharing session with a feeling that something precious has been taken away from us or that holy ground has been trodden upon.
- Henri Nouwen
If everyone would take only according to his needs and would leave the surplus to the needy, no one would be rich, no one poor, no one in misery.
- St. Basil
A socialist is somebody who doesn't have anything, and is ready to divide it up equally among everybody.
- George Bernard Shaw
All you have shall some day be given. Therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors.
- Khalil Gibran
Our faith becomes stronger as we express it; a growing faith is a sharing faith.
- Billy Graham
When somebody shares, everybody wins.
- Jim Rohn
I resolved to stop accumulating and begin the infinitely more serious and difficult task of wise distribution.
- Andrew Carnegie
No man can become rich without himself enriching others
- Andrew Carnegie
If you begin to guard wealth it will not be yours. But if you begin to distribute it, you will not lose it.
- St. Basil
Do you think that the man-loving God has given you much so that you could use it only for your own benefit? No, but so that your abundance might supply the lack of others.
- St. John Chrysostom
You cannot give what you don't have
- Anonymous