Quotes about Sharing
Lifting our cup means sharing our life so we can celebrate it. When we truly believe we are called to lay down our lives for our friends, we must dare to take the risk to let others know what we are living.
- Henri Nouwen
God who created us has granted us the faculty of speech that we might disclose the counsels of our hearts to one another and that, since we possess our human nature in common, each of us might share his thoughts with his neighbor, bringing them forth from the secret recesses of the heart as from a treasury.
- St. Basil
Nothing graces the Christian soul so much as mercy; mercy as shown chiefly towards the poor, that thou mayest treat them as sharers in common with thee in the produce of nature, which brings forth the fruits of the earth for use to all.
- Ambrose of Milan
I recognize that not all of us may have the same abilities and talents in sharing the gospel. But I want to keep the heat on all of us for getting the good news out there.
- Mark Dever
I think each one of us should try and do small things on Diwali so that those who are not as privileged as we are can also have a good festival.
- Sangram Singh
Share your knowledge and you become immortal.
- H Jackson Brown, Jr.
Most women prefer circles of sharing to pyramids and hierarchies. They prefer conversation to construction. They will usually choose nurturance and empathy over competition and climbing. They will normally choose connection over simple performance games.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
You make more money if you're generous.
- Robert Kiyosaki
I like gifts. I like to give them and I like to get them.
- Joyce Meyer
The Logos or Word of God taking a child on His lap will forever remain the mission of education- to share it as wealth must be shared.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Over the years, I've realized that I have as much in common with the performance artist, the standup comedian, the screenwriter, as I do with the theologian. I'm in an odd world where I make things and share them with people.
- Rob Bell
The only wealth which you will keep forever is the wealth you have given away.
- Marcus Aurelius