Quotes about Imagination
We artists are indestructible, even in a prison cell or a concentration camp I would be all right in my own world of art. Even if I had to paint my pictures with my tongue on the dusty floor of my cell.
- Pablo Picasso
I do not search; I find.
- Pablo Picasso
Religion as actually lived, not as some figment of the academic imagination, always claims to involve knowledge of how things are.
- Dallas Willard
You need to imagine what your day would look like with Jesus at your sideāas he will be.
- Dallas Willard
Anthropologists observe that the world occupied by a human being comprises not only the surrounding land, water, sky, plant and animal life, human beings and works of human hands, but also a "symbolic reality," which is superimposed upon material reality.
- Dallas Willard
Too many are tempted to dismiss what Jesus says as just "pretty words." But those who think it is unrealistic or impossible are more short on imagination than long on logic. They should have a close look at the universe God has already brought into being before they decide he could not arrange for the future life of which the Bible speaks.
- Dallas Willard
We do all we do in the knowledge that we are working alongside him. Moreover, we do this kind of work hand in hand with the cultivation of the mind and spirit through art and imagination, poetry and song, praise, prayer, and worship. These all help our minds to lay hold of this God, this most lovable being in all of reality.
- Dallas Willard
Poetry reaches to the realm beyond the world of sight and sound to reveal what our senses long to see and hear. It is the language not so much of the sublime, but of the truly real.
- Dan Allender
If you keep on believing the dreams that you wish will come true.
- Cinderella
Most of the images of reality on which we base our actions are really based on vicarious experience.
- Albert Bandura
Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.
- CS Lewis
The older I get, the more clearly I remember things that never happened.
- Mark Twain