Quotes about Vanity
And who knows whether that man will be wise or foolish? Yet he will take over all the labor at which I have worked skillfully under the sun. This too is futile.
- Ecclesiastes 2:19
I saw that all labor and success spring from a man’s envy of his neighbor. This too is futile and a pursuit of the wind.
- Ecclesiastes 4:4
Again, I saw futility under the sun.
- Ecclesiastes 4:7
or wealth lost in a failed venture, so when that man has a son there is nothing to pass on.
- Ecclesiastes 5:14
As a man came from his mother’s womb, so he will depart again, naked as he arrived. He takes nothing for his labor to carry in his hands.
- Ecclesiastes 5:15
This too is a grievous evil: Exactly as a man is born, so he will depart. What does he gain as he toils for the wind?
- Ecclesiastes 5:16
For a stillborn child enters in futility and departs in darkness, and his name is shrouded in obscurity.
- Ecclesiastes 6:4
For the more words, the more futility—and how does that profit anyone?
- Ecclesiastes 6:11
“Futility of futilities,” says the Teacher. “Everything is futile!”
- Ecclesiastes 12:8
Put no more trust in man, who has only the breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?
- Isaiah 2:22
The LORD also says: “Because the daughters of Zion are haughty—walking with heads held high and wanton eyes, prancing and skipping as they go, jingling the bracelets on their ankles—
- Isaiah 3:16
In that day the Lord will take away their finery: their anklets and headbands and crescents;
- Isaiah 3:18