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Quotes about Vanity

Humor is the opposite of all self-admiration and self-praise.
- Karl Barth
Oh, how swiftly the glory of the world passes away!
- Thomas a Kempis
Some desire to know merely for the sake of knowing, and that is shameful curiosity. Some desire to know that they may sell their knowledge, and that too is shameful. Some desire to know for reputation's sake, and that is shameful vanity. But there are some who desire to know that they may edify others, and that is praiseworthy; and there are some who desire to know that they themselves may be edified, and that is wise.
- Richard Baxter
The denied sins that are really destroying the world are much more the sins that we often admire and fully accept in our public figures: pride, ambition, greed, gluttony, false witness, legitimated killing, vanity, et cetera. That is hard to deny.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
The vanity of Eve, that desire to exercise power, to seduce, to drag down!
- Dorothy Day
What a splendid head, yet no brain.
- Aesop
I was watching 'Up In The Air' and I thought, 'Jesus, who's the old gray-haired guy?' And it was me. I never wear makeup for movies and now it's starting to show.
- George Clooney
Stupidity talks, vanity acts.
- Victor Hugo
There is nothing so seductive to a girl as to be loved by a poetic-depressive type. And if she is vain enough to deceive herself into thinking that she loves him faithfully by clinging to him instead of giving him up, then her task will be easy. She will enjoy both the distinction and the good conscience of being faithful, and at the same time the most finely distilled romantic love. God save everyone from such faithfulness!
- Soren Kierkegaard
We can bear to be deprived of everything but our self-conceit.
- William Hazlitt
I do not ask for the riches that perish or the fame that fades away like a morning mist.
- Mother Angelica
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
- Ravi Zacharias