Quotes about Comfort
The vigor and power and comfort of our spiritual life depends on our mortification of deeds of the flesh.
- Richard Baxter
Thou has heard the words of Christ. . . . Dost thou weep, when I have thee, Poor soul, what aileth thee? Dost thou weep, when I have wept so much? Be of good cheer ; thy wounds are saving, and not deadly. It is I that have made them, who mean thee no hurt : though I let out thy blood, I will not let out thy life (628).
- Richard Baxter
The way of painful duty is the way of fullest comfort. Christ carrieth all our comforts in his hand : if we are out of that way where Christ is to be met, we are out of the way where comfort is to be had (312).
- Richard Baxter
You come hither to learn to die, I am not the only person that must go this way: I can assure you, that your whole life, be it ever so long, is little enough to prepare for death. Have a care of this vain deceitful world and the lusts of the flesh: Be sure you choose God for your portion, heaven for your home, God's glory for your end, his word for your rule, and then you need never fear but we shall meet with comfort.
- Richard Baxter
If your prayer is not enticing you outside your comfort zones, if your Christ is not an occasional "threat," you probably need to do some growing up and learning to love.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
The healthy do not need a doctor, but sick people do. I have not come to coddle the comfortable, but to set trapped people free for a new life." Luke 5:31—32
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Comfortable people tend to see the church as a quaint antique shop where they can worship old things as substitutes for eternal things.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
They are comfortable knowing, and they are comfortable not knowing. They can care and not care—without guilt or shame. They can act without success because they have named their fear of failure. They do not need to affirm or deny, judge or ignore. But they are free to do all of them with impunity. A saint is invincible.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Wholeness and holiness will stretch us beyond our small comfort zone. How could they not? There are few in our religious culture who understand the necessity of mature internalised conscience. So wise guides are hard to find. You will have more Aarons building you golden calves than Moses leading you on any Exodus.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Thus the most common one-liner in the Bible is "Do not be afraid"; in fact, someone counted and found that it occurs 365 times!
- Fr. Richard Rohr
What do the Scriptures speak but Christ's love and tender care over those that are humbled?
- Richard Sibbes
only God's Spirit can raise the conscience with comfort above guilt, because he only is greater than the conscience.
- Richard Sibbes