Quotes about Books
To live among such excellent helps as our libraries afford, to have so many silent wise companions whenever we please.
- Richard Baxter
It is not the reading of many books which is necessary to make a man wise or good, but the well-reading of a few, could he be sure to have the best.
- Richard Baxter
Many ministers study only to compose their sermons and very little more, when there are so many books to be read and so many matters that we should be acquainted with. In the preparation of our sermons, we are too negligent, gathering only a few bare headings and not considering the most forcible expressions by which we should set them home to men's hearts.
- Richard Baxter
When I was a child, it was a matter of pride that I could plow through a Nancy Drew story in one afternoon, and begin another in the evening. . . . I was probably trying to impress the librarians who kept me supplied with books.
- Kathleen Norris
Prayer is always in danger of degenerating into a glorified gold rush. How to get things from God occupies most [books].
- AW Tozer
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
- Abraham Lincoln
No other than the very heart of man, As found among the best of those who live-- Not unexalted by religious faith, Nor uninformed by books, good books, though few-- In Nature's presence: thence may I select Sorrow, that is not sorrow, but delight; And miserable love, that is not pain To hear of, for the glory that redounds Therefrom to human kind, and what we are.
- William Wordsworth
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge.
- Stephen Hawking
Just the knowledge that a good book is waiting one at the end of a long day makes that day happier.
- Kathleen Norris
Wenn man Bücher bei sich trug, waren Handgreiflichkeiten zu vermeiden. Er trug immer Bücher bei sich.
- Elias Canetti
I feel that books, just like people, have a destiny. Some invite sorrow, others joy, some both.
- Elie Wiesel
I am not so naïve as to believe that this slim volume will change the course of history or shake the conscience of the world. Books no longer have the power they once did. Those who kept silent yesterday will remain silent tomorrow.
- Elie Wiesel