Quotes about Decency
It feels like people will poke a spear in anyplace they can draw blood these days. It wasn't that way when I was growing up. Even in politics, people had some…" I search for the word, and the best thing I can come up with is "decency.
- Lisa Wingate
Everyone behaves badly--given the chance.
- Ernest Hemingway
Good societies can survive people doing immoral things. But a good society can not survive if it calls immoral things moral.
- Dennis Prager
When the norm is decency, other virtues can thrive: integrity, honesty, compassion, kindness, and trust.
- Raja Krishnamoorthi
Politeness, delicacy [and] decency ... are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery, and cowardice.
- John Adams
Oh, come! That boot is on the other leg. Why should you call me to account for eating decently? If I battened on the scorched corpses of animals, you might well ask me why I did that
- George Bernard Shaw
Let Us Be Grateful Today we give our thanks most of all, for the ideals of honor and faith we inherit from our forefathers - for the decency of purpose, steadfastness of resolve and strength of will, for the courage and the humility, which they possessed and which we must seek every day to emulate. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.
- John F. Kennedy
Decency requires that when a programme is approved by the majority, all should carry it out faithfully.
- Mahatma Gandhi
There is no such thing as social justice. Only God can balance things out, and we are not God. But honest and decent men can fight for and establish equal justice. There is no such thing as collective salvation. We, however, are going to be judged on how we treat our fellow brothers and sisters. Thus we must serve them, help them with charity toward all. "Malice toward none," Lincoln said. God said it slightly differently — vengeance is mine.
- Glenn Beck
Gratitude is the beginning of civility, of decency and goodness, of a recognition that we cannot afford to be arrogant. We should walk with the knowledge that we will need help every step of the way.
- Gordon Hinckley
We are people of peace. We are followers of the Christ who was and is the Prince of Peace. But there are times when we must stand up for right and decency, for freedom and civilization, just as Moroni rallied his people in his day to the defense of their wives, their children, and the cause of liberty.
- Gordon Hinckley
Live the principles and the values. Almost nobody in America is living them. Learn the truth. Live the life of our founders. Be a decent, righteous, forthright honest man or woman.
- Glenn Beck