Quotes about Data
there is the chance that smartphones will democratize medicine. That will ultimately be achieved when each individual has unfettered, direct access to all of their own health data and information. Or captured by the popular mantra "nothing about me, without me.
- Eric Topol
With all the drive to cost transparency, there is not only little emphasis to make quality-of-care data available, but also it is extremely hard to come by. That's why the call of Guest and Quincy from Consumer Reports that "consumers should have better information about hospital and physician performance than they can glean from user reviews on Yelp, Zagat's, Angie's List, or other such sources" is such a tall order.
- Eric Topol
As a general rule the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Most economies have a fair amount of tax evasion, depending on how their data systems are.
- Abhijit Banerjee
I believe in the power of shared data and technology to help build a better future.
- Paul Allen
the scientific data point powerfully toward the existence of a Creator and that the historical evidence for the resurrection establishes convincingly that Jesus is divine.
- Lee Strobel
From the perspective of a classical historian, German scholar Hans Stier has concurred that agreement over basic data and divergence of details suggest credibility, because fabricated accounts tend to be fully consistent and harmonized. "Every historian," he wrote, "is especially skeptical at that moment when an extraordinary happening is only reported in accounts which are completely free of contradictions.
- Lee Strobel
Today, the concrete data point strongly in the direction of the God hypothesis. . . . Those who wish to oppose it have no testable theory to marshal, only speculations about unseen universes spun from fertile scientific imagination. . . . Ironically, the picture of the universe bequeathed to us by the most advanced twentieth-century science is closer in spirit to the vision presented in the Book of Genesis than anything offered by science since Copernicus.27
- Lee Strobel
A picture is worth a thousand words but it takes 3,000 times the disk space.
- Anonymous
Statistics can be made to prove anything - even the truth.
- Anonymous
The mystery of consciousness? Erroneous data—significant results.
- Frank Herbert
The three legs of the agreement-tripod are desire, data and doubt. Accuracy and honesty have little to do with it.
- Frank Herbert