Quotes about Music
Our popular music talks constantly about love, and yet divorce rates skyrocket.
- Billy Graham
The Book of Psalms is the Bible's hymnbook. It will show you what it means to walk with God in prayer and praise.
- Billy Graham
There is nothing in the world of art like the songs mother used to sing.
- Billy Sunday
Won't you help to sing these songs of freedom?
- Bob Marley
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.
- Bob Marley
There is joy in self-forgetfulness. So I try to make the light in others' eyes my sun, the music in others' ears my symphony, the smile on others' lips my happiness.
- Helen Keller
Then comes hope with a smile and whispers, There is joy in self-forgetfulness. So I try to make the light in others' eyes my sun, the music in others' ears my symphony, the smile on others' lips my happiness.
- Helen Keller
As I wander through the dark, encountering difficulties, I am aware of encouraging voices that murmur from the spirit realm. I sense a holy passion pouring down from the springs of Infinity. I thrill to music that beats with the pulses of God. Bound to suns and planets by invisible cords, I feel the flame of eternity in my soul.
- Helen Keller
My nails are my rhythm section when I'm writing a song all alone. Some day, I may cut an album, just me and my nails.
- Dolly Parton
I think there's something therapeutic in singing about anything, whether it's what you've written or whether it's someone else's song. I find both satisfying in different ways.
- Mark Lanegan
Most country songs, certainly all the stuff I've written, are stories driven by characters.
- Dolly Parton
When I heard 'Jesus, Take the Wheel,' I was like, OK. Some people look at it as a song written for an American Idol, Carrie Underwood, who is wonderful. But when you're a songwriter listening to a song, you hear something else. I heard that song, and wow.
- Lady Gaga