Quotes about Terrorism
Here is the standard socialist move, to turn the tables and insist that whites, not Muslims, pose the greatest terrorist threat; that legals, not illegals, are the problem; that there's nothing wrong with creating Somalia-in-America; that Americans, not Somalis, should make the adjustment to this; and that even terrorism represents nothing more than a cry of protest against America's refusal to include and provide for its foreign newcomers.
- Dinesh D'Souza
The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 in Pulaski, Tennessee, by a group of former Confederate soldiers; its first grand wizard was a Confederate general who was also a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. The Klan soon spread beyond the South to the Midwest and the West and became, in the words of historian Eric Foner, "the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.
- Dinesh D'Souza
I think it is important for Europe to understand that even though I am president and George Bush is not president, Al Qaeda is still a threat.
- Barack Obama
The men and women of Afghanistan are building a nation that is free, and proud, and fighting terror - and America is honored to be their friend.
- George W. Bush
What really alarms me about President Bush's "War on Terrorism" is the grammar. How do you wage war on an abstract noun? How is "Terrorism" going to surrender? It's well known, in philological circles, that it's very hard for abstract nouns to surrender.
- Terry Jones
What really alarms me about President Bush's 'War on Terrorism' is the grammar. How do you wage war on an abstract noun? How is 'Terrorism' going to surrender? It's well known, in philological circles, that it's very hard for abstract nouns to surrender.
- Terry Jones
We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones - and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.
- Donald Trump
There's every reason to believe there will be further attacks attempted against the United States. For us to spend so much time patting ourselves on the back because we got bin Laden that we miss the next attack would be a terrible tragedy.
- Dick Cheney
Osama bin Laden, the person, more likely serves the function of a stand-in. Compare the new terrorists with partisans or conventional terrorists in Israel. These people often fight in a decentralized manner in small, autonomous units, too.
- Jurgen Habermas
The best defense against terrorism is a strong offensive against terrorists. That work continues.
- George W. Bush
If Putin wants to knock the hell out of ISIS, I'm all for it 100 percent and I can't understand how anybody would be against that.
- Donald Trump
We all have to be concerned about terrorism, but you will never end terrorism by terrorizing others.
- Martin Luther King III