Quotes about Christ
Hundreds of places of worship exist today in which there is almost everything except the cross. There are carved oaks and sculptured stones; there are stained glass and brilliant paintings; there are solemn services and a constant round of ordinances, but the real cross of Christ is not there. Jesus crucified is not proclaimed in the pulpit. The Lamb of God is not lifted up, and salvation by faith in Him is not freely proclaimed. Therefore, all is wrong. Beware of such places of worship.
- JC Ryle
Never does a person see any beauty in Christ as a Savior, until they discover that they are a lost and ruined sinner.
- JC Ryle
What clear doctrine characterized John the Baptist's preaching. He exalted Christ — "After me One is coming who is mightier than I." He spoke plainly of the Holy Spirit — "He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
- JC Ryle
What do we think of Christ? Have we felt our need of Him and fled to Him for peace? Is He king over our hearts and all things to our souls? What do we think of the Holy Spirit? Has He wrought a saving work in our hearts? Has He renewed and changed them? Has He made us partakers of the divine nature? Life or death depend on our answers to these questions. If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him (Romans 8:9).
- JC Ryle
Without some evidence that our faith in Christ was real and genuine, we shall only rise again to be condemned. I can find no evidence that will be admitted In that day, except sanctification. The question will not be how we talked and what we professed, but how we lived and what we did.
- JC Ryle
We are all fast travelling toward a place where names and forms and Church-government will be nothing, and Christ will be all Let us get ready for that place betimes, by loving all who are in the way that leads to it.
- JC Ryle
Let it never be said that we cannot know whether a Christian really loves Christ. It can be known. It can be discovered. The proof can be seen. You have heard them this very day. Love to the Lord Jesus Christ is no hidden, secret, unseen thing. It is like the light — it will be seen. It is like sound — it will be heard. It is like heat — it will be felt. Where it exists, it cannot be hidden. Where it cannot be seen, you can be sure there is none.
- JC Ryle
We are to be ambassadors to carry tidings to a rebellious world about the King's Son, and if we teach men to think more about us and our office than about Him, we are not fit for our place. The Spirit will never honour that minister who does not testify of Christ—who does not make Christ "all.
- JC Ryle
Would you be holy? Would you become a new creature? Then you must begin with Christ. You will do nothing at all and make no progress till you feel your sin and weakness, and flee to Him. He is the root and beginning of all holiness, and the way to be holy is to come to Him by faith and be joined to Him.
- JC Ryle
Out of Christ, God is a consuming fire. In Christ, He is a reconciled Father. Without Christ, the strictest moralist may well tremble, as he looks forward to his end. Through Christ, the chief of sinners may approach God with confidence, and feel perfect peace.
- JC Ryle
Free speech, free laws, political freedom, commercial freedom, national freedom — all these cannot smooth down a dying pillow, or disarm death of his sting, or fill our consciences with peace. Nothing can do that but the freedom which Christ alone bestows. He gives it freely to all who seek it humbly. Then let us never rest until it is our own.
- JC Ryle
To be prayerless is to be without God, without Christ, without grace, without hope, and without heaven. It is to be on the road to hell. Now can you wonder that I ask the question, Do you pray?
- JC Ryle