Quotes about Christ
train up your children well — train well for this life, and train well for the life to come; train well for earth, and train well for heaven; train them for God, for Christ, and for eternity.
- JC Ryle
The best public worship is that which produces the best private Christianity. The best Church Services for the congregation are those which make its individual members most holy at home and alone. If we want to know whether our own public worship is doing us good, let us try it by these tests. Does it quicken our conscience? Does it send us to Christ? Does it add to our knowledge? Does it sanctify our life? If it does, we may depend on it, it is worship of which we have no cause to be ashamed.
- JC Ryle
Nothing, surely, is so likely to prepare us for that heaven where Christ's personal presence will be all, and that glory where we shall meet Christ face to face, as to realize communion with Christ, as an actual living Person here on earth. There is all the difference in the world between an idea and a person.
- JC Ryle
Simply put, where there is no sanctification of life, there is no real faith in Christ.
- JC Ryle
In justification, our own works have no place at all, and simple faith in Christ is the one thing needful. In sanctification, our own works are of great importance, and God instructs us to fight, watch, pray, strive, try, and work. Justification is a finished and complete work, and a person is perfectly justified the moment he believes. Sanctification is an imperfect work, comparatively, and will never be perfected until we reach heaven.
- JC Ryle
He believed that Jesus, who met him on the way to Damascus, could give him a hundredfold more than he gave up, and in the world to come everlasting life. By faith he "counted the cost," and saw clearly on which side the balance lay. He believed firmly that to carry the cross of Christ was gain.
- JC Ryle
The visible church of Christ will always be a mixed body until Christ comes again. The visible church is always in danger of neglecting the doctrine of Christ's second advent. Whenever Christ does come again, it will be a very sudden event. Christ's second advent will cause an immense change to all the members of the visible church, both good and bad.
- JC Ryle
To expect wages after doing no work, prosperity after making no effort, or learning after neglecting books is utter foolishness. But to expect heaven without faith in Christ, or the kingdom of God without being born again, or the crown of glory without the cross and a holy walk — all this is greater folly still and yet more common. Sadly, this is the foolishness of the world!
- JC Ryle
In grace as well as in providence, Christ works still. He is ever taking away sin.
- JC Ryle
If we have faith, we look backward to Christ dying on the cross, and if we have hope, we must look forward to Christ coming again (John 14:3; 2 Timothy 4:8; 2 Peter 3:12).
- JC Ryle
Yes: I repeat it this day. I know no effectual remedy for the love of self, but a believing apprehension of the love of Christ.
- JC Ryle
In justification, our own works have no place at all, and simple faith in Christ is the one thing needful. In sanctification, our own works are of great importance, and God instructs us to fight, watch, pray, strive, try, and work.
- JC Ryle