Quotes about Christ
The world will let a man serve the devil and quietly go to hell; no one lifts a finger to stop him or even says, "May God have mercy on your soul." But the world will never let a man serve Christ and go to heaven quietly. Everybody cries, "Stop, wait!" and does anything and everything to keep him back.
- JC Ryle
nothing will ever allow them to find rest except submission to the old doctrines of man's ruin and Christ's redemption — and simple childlike faith in Jesus.
- JC Ryle
You might say that if you were so holy, you would be unlike other people. I answer, "You are right. You ought to be different from other people. Christ's true servants always were unlike the world around them — a separate nation, a peculiar people — and you must be, too, if you would be saved!
- JC Ryle
The world we live in would have fallen upon our heads, had it not been upheld by the pillar of the cross; had Christ not stepped in and promised a satisfaction for the sin of man. By this all things consist — not a blessing we enjoy but may remind us of it; they were all forfeited by sin, but merited by His blood. If we study it well, we shall be sensible how God hated sin and loved a world." — Charnock.
- JC Ryle
Justifying faith is a grace that does not work, but simply trusts, rests, and leans on Christ (Romans 4:5). Sanctifying faith is a grace of which the very life is action. It works by charity (Galatians 5:6), and like a driving force, it moves the whole inward man.
- JC Ryle
the perpetual presence of Christ with that Holy Catholic Church, which is His body, is the great secret of its continuance and security. It lives on, and cannot die, because Jesus Christ is in the midst of it. It is a ship tossed with storm and tempest; but it cannot sink, because Christ is on board. Its members may be persecuted, oppressed, imprisoned, robbed, beaten, beheaded, or burned; but His true Church is never extinguished.
- JC Ryle
Give up your secret pride. Cast away your vain ideas of your own goodness. Be thankful if you have grace, but never glory in it for a moment. Work for God and Christ with heart and soul and mind and strength, but never dream for a second of placing confidence in any work of your own.
- JC Ryle
There is no greater mistake than to suppose that a Christian has nothing to do with the law and the Ten Commandments because he cannot be justified by keeping them. The same Holy Spirit who convinces the believer of sin by the law and leads him to Christ for justification will always lead him to a spiritual use of the law, as a friendly guide in the pursuit of sanctification.
- JC Ryle
I have no desire to make an idol of holiness. I do not wish to dethrone Christ, and put holiness in His place. But I must candidly say, I wish sanctification was more thought of in this day than it seems to be, and I therefore take occasion to press the subject on all believers into whose hands these pages may fall.
- JC Ryle
Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44). This is to show the mind of Christ. This is the right way to heap coals of fire on an enemy's head and to melt foes into friends (Romans 12:20).
- JC Ryle
In the matter of Christ's second coming and kingdom, the church of Christ has not dealt fairly with the prophecies of the Old Testament. For too long we have refused to see that there are two personal advents of Christ spoken of in those prophecies: an advent in humiliation and an advent in glory, an advent to suffer and an advent to reign, a personal advent to carry the cross and a personal advent to wear the crown.
- JC Ryle
It is possible to greatly disagree on the meaning of the symbols in the book of Revelation, yet agree entirely and substantially on the matter of Christ's coming and kingdom.
- JC Ryle