Quotes about Christ
The ultimate expression of truth appeared on this earth in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Joel Beeke
Death breaks the union between the body and the soul but perfects the union between Christ and the soul.
- Joel Beeke
We put on God by putting on His armor. Christ Himself wore and made the armor, and the Holy Spirit fits it to us and makes it ours. We must fight through to the end until we hold the field against Satan. Then we must go on the offense, attacking him.
- Joel Beeke
The Puritans, then, were not afraid to use the law of God as an instrument of evangelism. When God is about to play the chord of grace in the soul, they taught, he usually starts with the bass note of the law. In order for man to come to Christ, he must first come to an end of his own righteousness. "They held [that] the index of the soundness of a man's faith in Christ is the genuineness of the self-despair from which it springs," says Packer.
- Joel Beeke
Satan, you are the enemy of my soul, and I refuse to allow you to ensnare me in your hidden and baited trap of offense against my brothers and sisters in Christ.
- John Bevere
And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we are like Christ here in this world. (1 John 4:17 NLT)
- John Bevere
Use your liberty in Christ to set others free, not to assert your own rights.
- John Bevere
God didn't introduce grace as free gift, salvation, or forgiveness of sins. Let me be clear, I am forever grateful for these amazing benefits. But they are all brought out later in the New Testament. God introduced grace as the impartation of the fullness of Christ. This speaks of possessing the nature and empowerment (John 1:16)
- John Bevere
Great sins do draw out great grace; and where guilt is most terrible and fierce, there the mercy of God in Christ, when showed to the soul, appears most high and mighty...
- John Bunyan
Mr. Worldly-Wiseman is not an ancient relic of the past. He is everywhere today, disguising his heresy and error by proclaiming the gospel of contentment and peace achieved by self-satisfaction and works. If he mentions Christ, it is not as the Savior who took our place, but as a good example of an exemplary life. Do we need a good example to rescue us, or do we need a Savior?
- John Bunyan
Why, man! Christ is so hid in God from the natural apprehensions of the flesh, that he cannot by any man be savingly known, unless God the Father reveals him to them.
- John Bunyan
For I have been in my preaching, especially when I have been engaged in the doctrine of life by Christ, without works, as if an angel of God had stood by at my back to encourage me:
- John Bunyan