Quotes about Christ
Christ as a new conqueror changes the fundamental laws of the old Adam and establishes a government of his own.
- Richard Sibbes
In temptations it is safest to behold nothing but Christ the true brazen serpent, the true 'Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world', (John 1:29). This saving object has a special influence of comfort to the soul, especially if we look not only on Christ, but upon the Father's authority and love in him. For in all that Christ did and suffered as Mediator, we must see God in him reconciling the world unto himself (2 Cor. 5:19).
- Richard Sibbes
What a support to our faith is this, that God the Father, the party offended by our sins, is so well pleased with the work of redemption! And what a comfort is this, that, seeing God's love rests on Christ, as well pleased in him, we may gather that he is as well pleased with us, if we be in Christ!
- Richard Sibbes
But if we have this for a foundation truth, that there is more mercy in Christ than sin in us, there can be no danger in thorough dealing. It is better to go bruised into heaven than sound to hell. Therefore let us . . . keep ourselves under this work till sin be the sourest, and Christ the sweetest of all things.
- Richard Sibbes
for Christ is set out here as a mild Saviour to weak ones; and, for time to come, his powerful care and love is never interrupted, until he bring forth judgment to victory. And thereupon it is that both the means of salvation and grace wrought by means, and glory the perfection of grace, come all under one name of the kingdom of God so oft; because whom by means he brings to grace, he will by grace bring to glory.
- Richard Sibbes
Are you dejected? here is comfort; are you sinful? here is righteousness; are you led away with present contentments? here you have honours, and pleasures, and all in Christ Jesus.
- Richard Sibbes
God has laid up all grace and comfort in Christ for us, and planted a wonderful sweetness of pity and love in his heart toward us. As God his Father has fitted him with a body, so with a heart to be a merciful Redeemer. What do the Scriptures speak but Christ's love and tender care over those that are humbled? and besides the mercy that rests in his own breast, he works the like impression in his ministers and others, to comfort the feeble-minded, and to bear with the weak.
- Richard Sibbes
True love is carried to the person; It is adulterous love, to love the thing, or the gift more than the person, St. Paul loved the person of Christ, because he felt sweet experience that Christ loved him; his love was but a reflection of Christ's love first, he loved to see Christ, to embrace him, and enjoy him, that had done so much and suffered so much for his soul, that had forgiven him so many sins
- Richard Sibbes
The ambassadors of so gentle a Saviour should not be overbearing, setting up themselves in the hearts of people where Christ alone should sit as in his own temple.
- Richard Sibbes
However, let us remember that grace is increased, in the exercise of it, not by virtue of the exercise itself, but as Christ by his Spirit flows into the soul and brings us nearer to himself, the fountain, so instilling such comfort that the heart is further enlarged.
- Richard Sibbes
Was Christ a chosen servant of God, and shall not we take God's choice? Is not God's choice the best and the wisest? Hath God chosen Christ to work our salvation, and shall we choose any other? Shall we run to saints' mediation, to the virgin Mary, and others, for intercession, which is a part of Christ's office? Who chose Mary, and Peter, and Paul to this work? There is no mention in Scripture of them for this purpose, but behold my servant, whom I have chosen.
- Richard Sibbes
Can thou believe that Christ is in heaven, and that thou art in heavenly places with Christ, and yet have no mind of heavenly things, but are carried away with every earthly thing? No. Thou has not yet tasted how good and gracious the Lord is; thou has not relished the heavenly manna. (The Fruitful Labor for Eternal Food, p. 369)
- Richard Sibbes