Quotes about Christ
Blessed also be God Almighty, who ordains that His militant church shall have such life that, when a pope is dead, she is not on that account without a head or dead! Because not upon the pope but upon the head, Christ, does her life depend.
- Jan Hus
Therefore, blessed be God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has hidden the way of truth from the wise and prudent and revealed it unto simple laymen and little priests who choose rather to obey God than men, who in acts generically good and acts neutral have the life of Christ before their eyes and obey prelates so far as these acts, modified by circumstances, can be reasonably put into practice for edification through the imitation of Christ.
- Jan Hus
Blessed also be Christ, the chief Roman pontiff, who has given grace to his faithful ones that, when there is no Roman pontiff for a given time, they may, under Christ as thenleader, arrive in the heavenly country!
- Jan Hus
Without Christ, we're in Satan's grip. But because of His great love for us, Jesus shed His blood and died to redeem us from our sins, giving us full forgiveness.
- David Jeremiah
Set your mind fully on the hope you have in Christ, and be ready to pay any price, challenge any foe, and confront any lie for the sake of the gospel.
- David Jeremiah
The psalmist spoke of a time when the whole earth will "be filled with His glory" (Ps. 72:19). The book of Revelation predicts a time when "the kingdoms of this world" will become "the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ" (11:15).
- David Jeremiah
When you erode the fear of death with the knowledge that you already died [in Christ], you will find yourself moving toward a simple, bold obedience.
- Edward Welch
The ordinary is not good enough for us; our hubris wants something grandiose. But the ordinary done in obedience to Christ is beautiful, inspired, and oftentimes heroic.
- Edward Welch
Some hopeless people who anticipate only death cite Scripture that says "I desire to depart and be with Christ" (Phil. 1:23). But Christ is not what hopeless people really want. The God-talk is misleading. The goal of hopelessness is to end the suffering, and if God happens to be there when it happens, fine. But God's presence is not essential.
- Edward Welch
When the fear of the Lord matures in you, Christ becomes irresistible.
- Edward Welch
This was Paul's joy in suffering and shame: "that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead" (Philippians 3:10—11). Notice how this affects your shameful past. It will still hurt at times, but shame will lose its power. The very event that made you an outcast is the one that gives you insight into the mind of Christ.
- Edward Welch
Augustine wrote, "That first way [to truth] is humility; the second way is humility, and the third way is humility." If humility does not precede our wisdom and help, our efforts are meaningless. Paul, it seems, would agree. Life in Christ starts with humility.
- Edward Welch