Quotes about Christ
The general reason why Christ received baptism was, that he might render full obedience to the Father; and the special reason was, that he might consecrate baptism in his own body, that we might have it in common with him.
- John Calvin
All worship is unclean and wicked unless purified by the sprinkling of the blood of Christ.
- John Calvin
Before we receive any knowledge of God's Fatherly good will for us, the blood of Christ must intercede for us and restore us to God's favor.
- John Calvin
We should learn that there is no light in the law, or even in the whole Word of God, without Christ who is the Sun of Righteousness.
- John Calvin
Let us remember that while life is promised in Christ to all who believe, only a small part of the people are believers.
- John Calvin
Let, therefore, everyone who has shared in all the benefits which Christ has conferred upon us know that his whole life ought to conform to the death of Christ.
- John Calvin
What is said of the law applies to the whole of Scripture: when it is not directed toward Christ as its one aim, it is tortured badly and twisted.
- John Calvin
For although we hold that the Word of God alone lies beyond the sphere of our judgement, and that fathers and Councils are of authority only in so far as they accord with the rule of the Word, we still give to the Councils and fathers such rank and honor as it is meet for them to hold, under Christ.
- John Calvin
If the testimony by which the Jews were assured of the salvation of their posterity is taken away from us, the coming of Christ would have the effect of making God's grace more obscure and less well attested to us than it was to the Jews before us.
- John Calvin
When the law is separated from Christ, nothing is left but empty forms.
- John Calvin
This then is the highest adornment of the Kingdom of Christ, that he rules over his church by his Spirit.
- John Calvin
The Lord has adopted us to be his children on this condition that we reveal an imitation of Christ who is the mediator of our adoption. Unless we ardently and prayerfully devote ourselves to Christ's righteousness we do not only faithlessly revolt from our Creator, but we also abjure him as our Savior.
- John Calvin