Quotes about Christ
Instrumental music was only tolerated, on account of the times and of the people. But in gospel times, we must not have recourse to these, unless we wish to destroy the evangelical perfection, and to obscure the meridian light, which we enjoy in Christ our Lord.
- John Calvin
With respect to ceremonies, there is some appearance of a change having taken place; but it was only the use of them that was abolished, for their meaning was more fully confirmed. The coming of Christ has taken nothing away even from ceremonies, but, on the contrary, confirms them by exhibiting the truth of shadow.
- John Calvin
Christ is known rightly nowhere but in Scripture.
- John Calvin
Scripture is also called gospel, that is, new and joyful news, because in it is declared that Christ, the sole true and eternal Son of the living God, was made man, to make us children of God his Father, by adoption.
- John Calvin
For Nazareth was ordained to be Christ's home, so that he might bear the name of Nazarene which was rightly his.
- John Calvin
No matter what evils they perpetrate, the enemies of Christ shall not prevail, because Christ sits at God's right hand, not for a time but in eternity.
- John Calvin
All other comforts are temporary and illusory unless we depend wholly upon Christ.
- John Calvin
This insolence was turned by the providence of God to a very different purpose; for the face of Christ, dishonored by spitting and blows, has restored to us that image which had been disfigured, and almost effaced, by sin.
- John Calvin
The ultimate purpose of all sacrificial killing was to lead us to Christ; it was a testimony to the salvation of our souls in Christ, which alone is eternal.
- John Calvin
If a man does not hold on to Christ, his wisdom is mere folly, even though he comprehend heaven and earth; for all the treasures of heavenly wisdom are contained in Christ.
- John Calvin
Christ, therefore, died for our sins, in order to redeem or separate us from the world.
- John Calvin
Christ does not make new laws; he rectifies the wrong interpretations of the scribes which had vitiated the purity of the law of God.
- John Calvin