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Quotes about Christ

Remember that Christ works in and through you, and provides all that God desires for you and all that you need.
- Andrew Murray
Beware of only saying, "Christ was crucified for me"; say, too, "I am crucified with Christ." (See Galatians 2: 20.) The one thing for which He lives in you is to breathe His own likeness into your nature, to impart to you His own crucifixion spirit, to give you the blessed disposition that made His sacrifice so well pleasing to the Father. Do accept the whole Christ as dwelling in you.
- Andrew Murray
This teaches us that no outward instruction, even from Christ himself, or His words in Scripture, can bring us the full blessing—until the Holy Spirit works it in us.
- Andrew Murray
The first truth is that Christ actually meant prayer to be the great power by which His church should do its work, and that the neglect of prayer is the great reason the church has not greater power over the masses in Christian and in heathen countries.
- Andrew Murray
Believer! study the humility of Jesus. This is the secret, the hidden root of thy redemption. Sink down into it deeper day by day. Believe with thy whole heart that this Christ, whom God has given thee, even as His divine humility wrought the work for thee, will enter in to dwell and work within thee too, and make thee what the Father would have thee be.
- Andrew Murray
Prayer is not merely coming to God to ask something of Him. It is, above all, fellowship with God and being brought under the power of His holiness and love, until He takes possession of us and stamps our entire nature with the lowliness of Christ, which is the secret of all true worship.
- Andrew Murray
He will make His holy promise an actual reality in our conscious experience: "Lo, I am with you alway[s]" (Matt. 28:20). Let us see to it that our faith in His blessed Word, in His divine power, and in His holy abiding presence, is the one thing that masters our whole beings. Then Christ will indeed manifest Himself, abide with us, and dwell in our hearts as His home.
- Andrew Murray
Your life can, through loving obedience and the indwelling of the risen Christ, be a very strong witness in the world, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Andrew Murray
Chastisement leads to the fellowship of God's Son. Only in Christ do we have the power to love and rejoice in the will of God.
- Andrew Murray
Prayer is not merely coming to God to ask something from him. It is above all fellowship with God and being brought under the power of his holiness and love, till he takes possession of us and stamps our entire nature with the lowliness of Christ, which is the secret of all true worship.
- Andrew Murray
In their spiritual history men may have had times of great humbling and brokenness, but what a different thing this is from being clothed with humility, from having an humble spirit, from having that lowliness of mind in which each counts himself the servant of others, and so shows forth the very mind which was also in Jesus Christ.
- Andrew Murray
Christ meant prayer to be the great power by which His church should do its work, and the neglect of prayer is the reason the church lacks greater power.
- Andrew Murray