Quotes about Christ
Oh, that the Holy Spirit might be held in honor as a power to fill us with the very life and nature of God and of Christ!
- Andrew Murray
We ought not to please ourselves. For even Christ pleased not Himself. Self-denial is the law of his life.
- Andrew Murray
If we felt and proved and testified to the world that our only strength lay in keeping every minute in contact with Christ, every minute allowing God to work in us—if that were our spirit, would not, by the grace of God, our lives be holier? Would not they be more abundantly fruitful?
- Andrew Murray
And so, especially in any work you do for God, abide in Jesus as your wisdom. We are created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God bath before ordained that we should walk in them; let all fear or doubt lest we should not know exactly what these works are, be put far away. In Christ we are created for them: He will show us what they are, and how to do them. Cultivate the habit of rejoicing in the assurance that the divine wisdom is guiding you, even where you do not yet see the way.
- Andrew Murray
We seek for the operation of the Spirit with the purpose of obtaining more power for work, more love in our life, more holiness in the heart, more light on Scripture or on our path. But all these gifts are subordinate to the great purpose of God. The Father bestowed the Spirit on the Son, and the Son gave Him to us for the purpose of revealing and glorifying Christ Jesus in us. The heavenly Christ must become for us a real and living personality who is always with us and in us.
- Andrew Murray
God has sanctified us in Christ Jesus: we are to be holy by yielding ourselves to the power of that holiness, by acting it out, and manifesting it in all our life and walk.
- Andrew Murray
Unfortunately, the great majority of Christians know so little of their oneness with Christ Jesus and with the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of prayer that they do not even attempt to claim the wonderful promises Christ made to them.
- Andrew Murray
Some receive Christ in terms of the forgiveness of sin and the hope of heaven, yet know little of His fullness and the wealth that is to be found in Him.
- Andrew Murray
And yet it is the highest privilege of a child of God, the mark of greatest nearness and likeness to Him, as he ever lives to make intercession (Hebrews 7:25). Do you doubt that this is so? Think of what constitutes Christ's role as our High Priest. First, there is the work of the Old Testament priesthood. This has two sides: one is Godward, the other manward.
- Andrew Murray
The worship in spirit is the worship of the Father in the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of sonship.
- Andrew Murray
And God is meant to be the home of our souls. Christ came into the world to bring us back to God, and unless we take Christ for what God intended we should, our religion will always be a divided one.
- Andrew Murray
The knowledge of the fatherhood of God, the revelation of His infinite fatherliness in our hearts, and the faith in the infinite love that gives us His Son and His Spirit to make us children is indeed the secret of prayer in spirit and truth. Christ opened this new and living way for us.
- Andrew Murray