Quotes about Christ
To live the life of Christ means to him to be delivered from the life of self; the will of Christ is to him the only path of liberty from the slavery of his own evil self-will.
- Andrew Murray
A dead Christ, I must do everything for; a living Christ does everything for me.
- Andrew Murray
The Great Redemption that God's love has provided. The everlasting certainty, the wonderful sufficiency, the infinite efficacy of the Holiness that God has prepared for us in His Son, are all revealed in this blessed, Holy in Christ. 'The Holy Ones in Christ Jesus!
- Andrew Murray
The strength of God's love in Christ enabled Him to give up His life wholly for us. The same strength is available to us, and as we yield ourselves wholly to it, we shall be able to make the welfare of others the central object of our lives. Those who give themselves wholly into the keeping of God's love will experience His power and all-sufficiency.
- Andrew Murray
All these searchings and hungerings and longings that are in your heart, I tell you, they are the drawings of the divine magnet, Christ Jesus.
- Andrew Murray
Christ spoke of power to the disciples, but it was the Spirit filling their whole being that worked the power.
- Andrew Murray
Two intercessors, Christ the Advocate above and the Holy Spirit the Advocate within, are the gifts of His love.
- Andrew Murray
With God's people, there seems to be one hindrance, they do not know their Saviour. They do not realize that this blessed Christ is an ever present, all-pervading, in-dwelling Christ, who wants to take charge of their entire lives.
- Andrew Murray
Do you love Christ? Do you long to be in Christ, and not like Him?
- Andrew Murray
A new life from above, the life of Christ, must take the place of the self-life; then alone can we be conquerors.
- Andrew Murray
The more I realize that Christ must be everything to me and that all in Christ is for me, the more I learn to live the real life of faithâdying to self, and living wholly in Christ.
- Andrew Murray
The rest is in Christ, and not something He gives apart from Himself, and so it is only in having Him that the rest can really be kept and enjoyed.
- Andrew Murray