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Quotes about Christ

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. COLOSSIANS 3:15
- Joel Osteen
The New England divine Cotton Mather puts it this way: "Exhibit as much as you can of a glorious Christ. Yea, let the motto upon your whole ministry be: Christ is all. Let others develop the pulpit fads that come and go. Let us specialize in preaching our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Joel Beeke
In Christ's first coming, He implemented a rescue plan conceived in the mind of God before the foundation of the world. He did not come to promote holiday cheer, boost end-of-year sales, or serve as the central figure in a Nativity scene. He came to save sinners. To save sinners, Christ had to put away what makes people sinners—namely, sin.
- Joel Beeke
Some of us have little spiritual vitality because we fail to feed on Christ day by day. Over time, we become spiritually anorexic.
- Joel Beeke
Gospel optimism leads to kingdom prayer. This psalm should move us to pray—and to pray with great hope and expectation—that the kingdom of Christ will prevail against the powers of evil and that all His elect will be brought in and made holy.
- Joel Beeke
Conviction—or the killing work of the law—is the way that leads to Christ, not a condition for receiving Christ.
- Joel Beeke
Our community with one another consists solely in what Christ has done to each of us.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
You cannot be in Christ and be indifferent to the sin in your life.
- Kevin DeYoung
The abundance of our lives is not determined by how long we live, but how well we live. Christ makes abundant life possible if we choose to live it now.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
Our hope in life beyond death is a hope made possible, not by some general sentimental belief in life after death, but by our participation in the life of Christ.
- Stanley Hauerwas
Going out into life--that is dying. Christ is the door out of life.
- Henry Ward Beecher
The union Christ had with the Father was the greatest that we can conceive of in this life-if indeed we can conceive of it.
- Dallas Willard