Quotes about Christ
In the New Testament it is clear: because of Christ and the Spirit, every single Christian is welcome at any time to come before the Father himself. If you have a royal welcome awaiting you in the throne room itself, for whatever may be on your heart and mind, whether great or small, why would you bother hanging around the outer lobby trying to persuade someone there, however distinguished, to go in and ask for you?
- NT Wright
Sunday, kept as a commemoration of Easter ever since that event itself (a quite remarkable phenomenon when you come to think about it), is not simply a legacy of Victorian values but a perpetual sign, joyfully renewed week by week, that all time belongs to God and stands under the renewing lordship of Jesus Christ.4
- NT Wright
WHATEVER KIND OF CRISIS OR CHALLENGE you may be facing today, your greatest need is for a fresh look at the incomparable Christ. He alone is able to save us from sin, sanctify our hearts, satisfy our souls, and sustain us when we grow weary of running and are tempted to throw in the towel.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
I've heard it said this way: "You'll never know that Christ is all you need, until He's all you have. And when He's all you have, you'll find out that He truly is all you need." So let's keep singing those songs, reminding ourselves and others that His grace really is enough and that all our hope truly is found in Christ alone.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
When God redeems us, He releases us from the guilt and power of sin, and restores us to our full humanity, so that we can once again carry out the tasks for which we were created. Because of Christ's redemption on the cross, our work takes on a new aspect as well- it becomes a means of sharing in His redemptive purposes. In cultivating creation, we not only recover our original purpose, but also bring a redemptive force to reverse the evil and corruption introduced by the fall.
- Nancy Pearcey
The more you reaffirm who you are in Christ, the more your behavior will being to reflect your true identity.
- Neil Anderson
We have a sanctuary in Christ, and He has equipped us with the armor of God. We
- Neil Anderson
We already have all the power we need, because of our position in Christ.
- Neil Anderson
The major strategy of Satan is to distort the character of God and the truth of who we are. He can't change God and he can't do anything to change our identity and position in Christ. If, however, he can get us to believe a lie, we will live as though our identity in Christ isn't true.
- Neil Anderson
You don't become a Christian by acting like one. You are not on a performance basis with God. He doesn't say, "Here are My standards, now you measure up." He knows you can't solve the problem of an old sinful self by simply improving your behavior. He must change your nature, give you an entirely new self—the life of Christ in you—which is the grace you need to measure up to His standards.
- Neil Anderson
Christ reigns in order to save." (Hom. in Luc. 30)
- Origen
The called-out assembly of God's people, which is subordinated to Christ as its head and coordinated with its fellow members of the body, lives its life by its practical obedience to God's call in Christ.
- Os Guinness