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Quotes about Standards

Set your standards high; namely, do the absolute best of which you are capable. Focus on running the race rather than winning it. Do those things necessary to bring forth your personal best and don't lose sleep worrying about the competition. Let the competition lose sleep worrying about you. Teach your organization to do the same.
- John Wooden
Socrates was the first to call philosophy down from the heavens and to place it in cities, and even to introduce it into homes and compel it to inquire about life and standards and goods and evils.
- Cicero
Golf is a game of integrity. And golf is a game of forgiveness. I think the high standards of golf remind people of how lucky they are, or how fortunate they are, to be able to play the game.
- George W. Bush
The trouble with censors is that they worry if a girl has cleavage. They ought to worry if she hasn't any
- Marilyn Monroe
The trouble with censors is that they worry if a girl has cleavage. They ought to worry if she hasn't any.
- Marilyn Monroe
I believe in the single standard for men and women.
- Mae West
I mean all this focus on how we look on the outside. It's just all wrong
- Melody Carlson
They both believed that the enemy of better is best, and the tomb of the extra-ordinary is the ordinary.
- Myles Munroe
Virtue, after all, isn't just about morals in the sense of "knowing the standards to live up to" or "knowing which rules you're supposed to keep." Virtue, as we have already seen, is about the whole of life, not just the specifically "moral" choices.
- NT Wright
You don't become a Christian by acting like one. You are not on a performance basis with God. He doesn't say, "Here are My standards, now you measure up." He knows you can't solve the problem of an old sinful self by simply improving your behavior. He must change your nature, give you an entirely new self—the life of Christ in you—which is the grace you need to measure up to His standards.
- Neil Anderson
A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line.
- Norman Geisler
the Moral Law is not always the standard by which we treat others, but it is nearly always the standard by which we expect others to treat us.
- Norman Geisler