Quotes about Rule
The physical world is full of many glories, but the pursuit of these glories must not rule my heart because they have no ability whatsoever to offer me the life that I so desperately need.
- Paul David Tripp
God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. And He made the stars as well.
- Genesis 1:16
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it.”
- Genesis 1:26
To the woman He said: “I will sharply increase your pain in childbirth; in pain you will bring forth children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”
- Genesis 3:16
Then a new king, who did not know Joseph, came to power in Egypt.
- Exodus 1:8
When the LORD your God blesses you as He has promised, you will lend to many nations but borrow from none; you will rule over many nations but be ruled by none.
- Deuteronomy 15:6
Then the Israelites said to Gideon, “Rule over us—you and your son and grandson—for you have saved us from the hand of Midian.”
- Judges 8:22
But Gideon replied, “I will not rule over you, nor will my son. The LORD shall rule over you.”
- Judges 8:23
“Please ask all the leaders of Shechem, ‘Is it better for you that seventy men, all the sons of Jerubbaal, rule over you, or just one man?’ Remember that I am your own flesh and blood.”
- Judges 9:2
After Abimelech had reigned over Israel for three years,
- Judges 9:22
Then Manoah asked, “When your words come to pass, what will be the boy’s rule of life and mission?”
- Judges 13:12
In response, three thousand men of Judah went to the cave at the rock of Etam, and they asked Samson, “Do you not realize that the Philistines rule over us? What have you done to us?” “I have done to them what they did to me,” he replied.
- Judges 15:11