Quotes about Worldviews
I think "tolerance" is being seen for what it is, a low-grade post-Enlightenment version of "love." It is often remarked that those who hail the word "tolerance" regularly become intolerant of all other views, just as those who champion "inclusivity" regularly become increasingly exclusive toward worldviews other than their own.
- NT Wright
surprising as it may sound, pantheism is not really all that different from materialism. It is the flip side of the same coin. Materialism states that everything consists of material stuff. Pantheism states that everything consists of spiritual stuff. Both are non-personal. As a result, both worldviews fail to account for human personhood.
- Nancy Pearcey
A secular approach to politics first took root in the universities, the seedbed where worldviews are planted and nurtured. As William Galston of the Brookings Institution explains, in the modern age, scholars decided that the study of politics must be "scientific"—by which they meant value free.1 As a consequence, political theory was no longer animated by a moral vision. It became purely pragmatic.
- Nancy Pearcey
Christianity is one of the few worldviews that can justify absolute human rights because it affirms that those rights are given to us by God. As our founders recognized, governments aren't meant to give or take away rights: governments are meant to secure rights that the people already possess. That's what we affirmed in our Declaration of Independence.
- Norman Geisler
All worldviews, therefore, end in an eschatology and all efforts at reformation are animated by faith in the future.
- Herman Bavinck
Our civilization has moved through three world views: from paganism (no pity and no pacifism) to Christianity (pity but not pacifism) to modernity (pity and pacifism). It is now moving to postmodernity, which is a new pacifism, a pacifism without spiritual warfare, a war on the very notion of spiritual warfare, and a war without pity or mercy for its enemy
- Peter Kreeft
Some will tell you that there are multiple worldviews. The Bible says we have only 2: the Truth and the Lie.
- Mark Driscoll
When rival worldviews are in play, it is not adaptation that is called for but confrontation: confrontation
- John Piper
Public education grants secular worldviews an exclusive monopoly in the classroom.
- Nancy Pearcey
If people are to develop any deep spirituality today, and especially if men are to develop spiritually, they need to be liberated from self-serving worldviews.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
intellectual answers to the problem of pain are important. But intellect alone cannot help us navigate the minefield of pain and suffering. Other worldviews may offer intellectual answers. Christianity alone offers us a person.
- Ravi Zacharias