Quotes about Substitution
Christ was treated as we deserve that we may be treated as He deserves. He was condemned for our sins, in which He had no share, that we might be justified by His righteousness, in which we had no share. He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which was His. 'By His stripes we are healed.
- Ellen White
Christ died for our sins. Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, took upon Himself a human nature and died a horrible death on our behalf. That is the reason for the cross. He suffered what we should have suffered. He died in our place to pay the penalty for our sins.
- Jerry Bridges
Our position is such that we can be rescued from eternal death and translated into life only by total and unceasing substitution, the substitution which God Himself undertakes on our behalf.
- Karl Barth
Christ lived the life we could not live and took the punishment we could not take to offer the hope we cannot resist.
- Max Lucado
At best, the theory of substitutionary atonement has inoculated us against the true effects of the Gospel, causing us to largely "thank" Jesus instead of honestly imitating him. At worst, it led us to see God as a cold, brutal figure, who demands acts of violence before God can love his own creation
- Fr. Richard Rohr
We think of the Christian life as a 'changed life' but it is not that. What God offers us is an 'exchanged life,' a 'substituted life,' and Christ is our Substitute within.
- Watchman Nee
The essence of sin is man substituting himself for God, while the essence of salvation is God substituting himself for man." —John Stott
- Randy Alcorn
Many persons have of late left off the use of West-India sugar on account of the iniquitous manner in which it is obtained. Those families who have done so, and have not substituted any thing else in its place, have not only cleansed their hands of blood, but have made a saving to their families, some of six pence, and some of a shilling a week. If this, or a part of this were appropriated to the uses before-mentioned, it would abundantly suffice
- William Carey
Jesus Christ was treated as we deserved so that when we believe in Jesus, God treats us as Jesus deserves.
- Timothy Keller
God is not counting our sins against us because He is counting our sins against Christ.
- Alistair Begg
Instead of inflicting upon us the judgment we deserved, God in Christ endured it in our place.
- John Stott
The meaning of atonement is not to be found in our penitence evoked by the sight of Calvary, but rather in what God did when in Christ on the cross He took our place and bore our sin.
- John Stott