Quotes about Substitution
I measure Your love for me by the magnitude of the wrath I deserved, and the wonder of Your mercy by putting Christ in my place.
- John Piper
And the Lamb of God not only did this, but was chastised on our behalf, and suffered a penalty He did not owe, but which we owed because of the multitude of our sins; and so He became the cause of the forgiveness of our sins, because He received death for us, and transferred to Himself the scourging, the insults, and the dishonour, which were due to us, and drew down on Himself the apportioned curse, being made a curse for us.
- Eusebius of Caesarea
Moved by the perfection of His holy love, God in Christ substituted Himself for us sinners. That is the heart of the cross of Christ.
- John Stott
But here the correlation with Beauty and the Beast ends. In the fable, the beauty kisses the beast. In the Bible, the beauty does much more. He becomes the beast so the beast can become the beauty. Jesus changes places with us. We, like Adam, were under a curse, but Jesus changed places with us and put himself under that curse (Gal. 3:13).
- Max Lucado
We were created to be full. When we're not filled with the good things Christ came to bring us, we will grasp at anything as a substitute. An unsatisfied soul is an accident waiting to happen.
- Beth Moore
Christ did not die by accident. He died voluntarily in our place.
- Billy Graham
Man has rejected the revelation of the Bible concerning the true and living God of his fathers, and he has substituted gods of his own making. In actuality modern man has decided to dethrone God and enthrone himself in all of his nuclear glory.
- Billy Graham
We are insane. That is what sin is. Sanctity is identitical with sanity. It means living the truth, living in reality. Sin always substitutes unreality for reality.
- Peter Kreeft
He said you're going to be identified as His disciples, not because of your church-going, Bible-toting, or song-singing. No, you'll be identified as His by one sign only: the deep and delicate respect for one another, the cordial love impregnated with reverence for the sacred dimension of the human personality because of the mysterious substitution of Christ for the Christian.
- Brennan Manning
The very fact that a man or woman seeks a new partner is a proof that there never was any love at all. For though sex is replaceable, love is not. Sex is for pleasure; love is for a person. Cows can graze on other pastures, but a person admits of no substitution.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Anything that suffers and dies instead of us is Christ; if they didn't kill birds and fish they would have killed us. The animals die that we may live, they are substitute people, hunters in the fall killing the deer, that is Christ also. And we eat them, out of cans or otherwise; we are eaters of death, dead Christ-flesh resurrecting inside us, granting us life. Canned Spam, canned Jesus, even the plants must be Christ.
- Margaret Atwood
But it is a sad and fatal mistake to treat those other ways [atonement theories] as though they lay on the same plane with this one foundation way [penal substitutionary theory]; in reality the other "theories" of the atonement lose all their meaning unless they are taken in connection with this blessed "theory".
- J. Gresham Machen