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Quotes about Shame

Recently it has been decided, grudgingly, that dark skin or lameness may not be entirely one's fault, but one still ought to show the good manners to act ashamed.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Shame is removed through love.
- Danny Silk
Of all evils, indeed, famine is the worst, and it destroys nothing so effectively as shame. For that which under other circumstances is worthy of respect, in the midst of famine is despised. Thus women snatched the food from the very mouths of their husbands and children, from their fathers, and what was most pitiable of all, mothers from their babes. And while their dearest ones were wasting away in their arms, they were not ashamed to take away from them the last drops that supported life.
- Eusebius of Caesarea
Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, but stigma and bias shame us all.
- Bill Clinton
who love God but spend more than what God has chosen to provide. They incur large amounts of debt and experience the shame and pressure that accompanies it. And they wind up feeling overwhelmed.
- Bill Hybels
She was overwhelmed with shame that she had so quickly acted like her old name and nature, which she had hoped was beginning to be changed already.
- Hannah Hurnard
If pride is what goes before a fall, the shame is what keeps you from getting up after one.
- Max Lucado
Shame is a child of self-centeredness. Heaven's occupants are not self-centered, they are Christ-centered. You will be in your sinless state. The sinless don't protect a reputation or project an image. You won't be ashamed. You'll be happy to let God do in heaven what he did on earth—be honored in your weaknesses. Heads bowed in shame? No. Heads bowed in worship? No doubt.
- Max Lucado
38For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.
- Max Lucado
Since he bore the sin of the murderer and adulterer, he felt the shame of the murderer and adulterer. Though he never lied, he bore the disgrace of a liar. Though he never cheated, he felt the embarrassment of a cheater. Since he bore the sin of the world, he felt the collective shame of the world.
- Max Lucado
Guilt leaves a tattooed heart.
- Max Lucado
Godliness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. PROVERBS 14:34
- Ben Carson