Quotes about Assessment
In the U.S.A. or Europe there is no realistic way to estimate the type, magnitude, or probability of the risk, nor any way to narrow down the potentially affected regions.
- Jurgen Habermas
Routines without ongoing assessment lead to stagnation and mediocrity.
- Bishop TD Jakes
It does not take long to tell where a man's treasure is. In fifteen minutes' conversation with most men, you can tell whether their treasures are on the earth or in Heaven.
- DL Moody
I don't think Lloyd's of London would insure this mouth.
- Kathie Lee Gifford
It's so much easier to pass judgment on a man than on an idea.
- Ayn Rand
Judge a tree from its fruit not from the leaves.
- Euripides
Though Mrs. Fontaine smiled, I couldn't help but wonder if she'd sized me up and found me lacking.
- Beth Hoffman
My selection process is based on "three Cs": first character, then competence, and finally chemistry with me and with the rest of the team. Character. Competence. Chemistry.
- Bill Hybels
God judges a tree by its fruits and not by its roots.
- Paulo Coelho
Don't be too quick in your assessment of God's gifts to you. Thank him. Moment by moment. Day by day.
- Max Lucado
Then let's use this incredible tool God has given us to assess the risks that we face every day. We have the means to analyze risks and decide which are worth taking and which should be avoided. Do you have a brain? Then use it. That's the secret. That's my simple but powerful prescription for life, love, and success in a dangerous world.
- Ben Carson
Which of you, wanting to build a tower, doesn't first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it? Luke 14:28
- Beth Moore