Quotes about Spirit
Prayer is you speaking to God. Meditation is allowing the spirit to speak to you.
- Deepak Chopra
God cares more about your obedience to His Spirit's leading TODAY than what you will do next year.
- Francis Chan
Let us therefore be of a reverent spirit, and fear the long-suffering of God, that it tend not to our condemnation.
- Ignatius of Antioch
We imagine that whatever is unpleasant is our duty! Is that anything like the spirit of our Lord, "I *delight* to do Thy will, O My God.
- Oswald Chambers
The Bible is actually a library of books-some long, some short- written over hundreds of years by many authors. Behind each one, however, was [the] Author: the Spirit of God.
- Billy Graham
If I were to be responsible for guiding souls, I would urge everyone to be aware of God's constant presence, if for no other reason than His presence is a delight to our souls and spirit.
- Brother Lawrence
Where sanity is there God is.
- DH Lawrence
When a person, yielding to God and believing the truth of God, is filled with the Spirit of God, even his faintest whisper will be worship.
- AW Tozer
Ah, Lord God, thou holy lover of my soul, when thou comest into my heart, all that is within me shall rejoice.
- Thomas a Kempis
That energy field can be called God, soul, spirit, or consciousness.
- Wayne Dyer
If the heart has been reformed by the spirit, it makes use of both the useful and delightful things created and given by God in a holy manner and with thanksgiving.
- Martin Luther
Isaiah calls the Church barren because her children are born without effort by the Word of faith through the Spirit of God. It is a matter of birth, not of exertion.
- Martin Luther