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Quotes about Spirit

To evince that there is promised and actually granted an especial work of the Spirit of God in the prayers or praises of believers under the New Testament; secondly, To declare the nature of that work, wherein it doth consist, or the manner of the operation of the Holy Spirit therein.
- John Owen
And it cannot be denied but that the work and actings of the Spirit of grace in and towards believers with respect unto the duty of prayer are more frequently and expressly asserted in the Scripture than his operations with respect unto any other particular grace or duty whatever.
- John Owen
Wherefore, he is principally considered as a comforter : and, as we shall see farther afterward, this is his principal work, most suited unto his nature, as he is the Spirit of peace, love, and joy; for he who is the eternal, essential love of the Divine Being, as existing in the distinct persons of the Trinity, is most meet to communicate a sense of divine love, with delight and joy, unto the souls of believers.
- John Owen
What promise hath any unregenerate man to countenance him in this work? what assistance for the performance of it? Can sin be killed without an interest in the death of Christ, or mortified without the Spirit?
- John Owen
It is, then, the work of the Spirit. For, — (1.) He is promised of God to be given unto us to do this work. The taking away of the stony heart, — that is, the stubborn, proud, rebellious, unbelieving heart, — is in general the work of mortification that we treat of.
- John Owen
It grieves me ofttimes to see poor souls, that have a zeal for God and a desire of eternal welfare, kept by such directors and directions under a hard, burdensome, outside worship and service of God, with many specious endeavours for mortification, in an utter ignorance of the righteousness of Christ, and unacquaintedness with his Spirit, all their days.
- John Owen
The Spirit of God createth a new nature in us, which is the principle and next cause of all acts of the life of God.
- John Owen
As a means of retaining communion with God, whereby we sweetly ease our hearts in the bosom of the Father, and receive in refreshing tastes of his love. The soul is never more raised with the love of God than when by the Spirit taken into intimate communion with him in the discharge of this duty; and therein it belongs to the Spirit of consolation, to the Spirit promised as a comforter.
- John Owen
Whatever men make, she says, what they felt when they made it is there...Man is a means for turning things into spirit and turning spirit into things.
- John Updike
Spirit is the real and eternal matter is the unreal and the temporal.
- Mary Baker Eddy
God the Father's a deep root; the Son's the shoot that breaks into the world; the Spirit spreads the beauty & fragrance
- Tertullian
The church's final word is not 'church' but the glory of the Father and the Son in the Spirit of liberty
- Jurgen Moltmann