Quotes about Community
A Christ-centered church is not a showcase for saints but a hospital for sinners.
- Randy Alcorn
If economic catastrophe does come, will it be a time that draws Christians together to share every resource we have, or will it drive us apart to hide in our own basements or mountain retreats, guarding at gunpoint our private stores from others? If we faithfully use our assets for his kingdom now, rather than hoarding them, can't we trust our faithful God to provide for us then?
- Randy Alcorn
Unless we learn how to humbly tell each other our giving stories, our churches will not learn to give.
- Randy Alcorn
No pretense or wearing masks. No cliques. No hidden agendas, backroom deals, betrayals, secret ambitions, plots, or schemes.
- Randy Alcorn
To turn the tide of materialism in the Christian community, we desperately need bold models of kingdom-centered living. Despite our need to do it in a way that doesn't glorify people, we must hear each other's stories about giving or else our people will not learn to give.
- Randy Alcorn
Wealth is a relational barrier. It keeps us from having open relationships.
- Randy Alcorn
Imagine if our churches were known for being communities of Jesus-centered happiness, overflowing with the sheer gladness of what it means to live out the good news of great joy. Imagine if our children brought their friends to church and their comment was, "Those people seem so nice . . . and happy.
- Randy Alcorn
He says to use it "to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings" (Luke 16:9, NIV).
- Randy Alcorn
Being disconnected from the local church, for whatever reason, is a dangerous way to live...like lone sheep away from the safety of the flock and the watchful care of the shepherd, [these lone rangers] are vulnerable to predators of every sort." —Nancy Leigh DeMoss
- Randy Alcorn
In some countries you love your neighbors, and in others you eat them.
- Ravi Zacharias
In short, wonder is captured in one word—worship. When we have learned what worship is,we have experienced what wonder is. Worship is a personal thing before it goes public. It is an individual thing before it is part of a community. It is a disciplined thing before it is natural.
- Ravi Zacharias
five main components of worship: the Lord's Supper, teaching, prayer, praise, and giving.
- Ravi Zacharias