Quotes about Community
How we relate to God is generally how we relate to others.
- Michael Youssef
If you make disciples, you always get the church. But if you make a church, you rarely get disciples.
- Mike Breen
No amount of money or ideas can replace the value of being physically present, giving time and attention to people or projects.
- Mike Breen
We don't want people to understand forgiveness or prayer or mission or justice only intellectually. We want people who can forgive, who can hear and respond to God, who actually know Him. We want people who have hearts that break for our world and the people in it and do something about it. We want the kind of people in our communities who resemble the people we see in Scripture.
- Mike Breen
We are creating a culture, even if it's unintentional. The question is, do we like the culture we are creating?
- Mike Breen
life is richer when it is shared even with those who annoy us from time to time.
- Mike Breen
Our commission is to compassionately reach out to those around us, invite them to join us in community, share the story of the gospel, make disciples, and gather them into families to follow Jesus together.
- Mike Breen
His disciples weren't just his roadies or work associates — they are his family. For Jesus, making disciples is about building a family. In one sentence, he completely redefines what family is, how it works, and what it's for.
- Mike Breen
MCs center their rhythms on growing in relationship with God (UP), with one another (IN), and with those they are reaching out to (OUT). This is community life centered on the Great Commandment and the Great Commission: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind soul and strength" (UP). "Love your neighbor as yourself" (IN). "Go and make disciples of all people groups" (OUT).
- Mike Breen
Many faith communities have become little more than gatherings of isolated individuals, while the number of online communities continues to grow.
- Mike Breen
- Mike Breen
Here's the thing that can be difficult to wrap our minds around: If you make disciples, you always get the church. But if you make a church, you rarely get disciples.
- Mike Breen