Quotes about Wholesome
Some say that ever 'gainst that season comes Wherein our Saviour's birth is celebrated, The bird of dawning singeth all night long; And then, they say, no spirit dare stir abroad, The nights are wholesome, then no planets strike, No fairy takes, nor witch hath power to charm, So hallowed and so gracious is the time.
- Frederick Buechner
It is true, care should be taken to furnish the table with healthful food prepared in a wholesome and inviting manner. Do not think that anything you can carelessly throw together to serve as food is good enough for the children. But less time should be devoted to the preparation of unhealthful dishes for the table, to please a perverted taste, and more time to the education and training of the children.
- Ellen White
Do not encourage any appetite for stimulants. Eat only plain, simple, wholesome food, and thank God constantly for the principles of health reform. In all things be true and upright, and you will gain precious victories.
- Ellen White
All diets are wholesome. Some are wholesomer than others, but all the ordinary diets are wholesome enough for the people who use them. Whether the food be fine or coarse it will taste good and it will nourish if a watch be kept upon the appetite and a little starvation introduced every time it weakens.
- Mark Twain
I read somewhere once that souls were like flowers,' said Priscilla. 'Then your soul is a golden narcissus,' said Anne, 'and Diana's is like a red, red rose. Jane's is an apple blossom, pink and wholesome and sweet.' 'And your own is a white violet, with purple streaks in its heart,' finished Priscilla.
- LM Montgomery
But the summer had been a very happy one, too -- a time of glad living with summer suns and skies, a time of keen delight in wholesome things; a time of renewing and deepening of old friendships; a time in which she had learned to live more nobly, to work more patiently, to play more heartily.
- LM Montgomery
We are fighting to make those dear old places where we had played as children, safe for other boys and girls--fighting for the preservation and safety of all sweet, wholesome things.
- LM Montgomery
Yet somehow [Marilla's letter] conveyed to Anne of the wholesome, simple life at Green Gables, with its savor of ancient peace, and the steadfast abiding love that was there for her.
- LM Montgomery
Let the Latter-day Saints be in their homes, teaching their families, reading the scriptures, doing things that are wholesome and beautiful and communing with the Lord on the Sabbath day.
- Gordon Hinckley
A lot of my philosophies came from sheet music. 'Some Day My Prince Will Come,' or 'Blue Skies Smiling at Me' - they were very uplifting, wholesome lyrics, and I really believed those words when I sang them.
- Judith Durham
Everyone was surprised then that our music got such a foothold because they said 'You're so fresh-faced and wholesome.'
- Judith Durham
Keep your mind on the positive. Think on things that are good, wholesome, uplifting. It's not productive to think about something negative that was said about you, relive how that person walked away, rehearse all the pain & disappointment, go back over all the sorrow.
- Joel Osteen