Quotes about Vengeance
There are certain people that are marked for death. I have my little list of those that treated me unfairly.
- Jennifer Lopez
Vengeance and retribution require a long time; it is the rule.
- Charles Dickens
He was shown the dead bodies, in order that the sight might intimidate him. On beholding the shocking subjects, he said, calmly, You may kill the body, but you cannot prejudice the soul of a true believer; but with respect to the dreadful spectacles which you have here shown me, you may rest assured, that God's vengeance will overtake the murderers of those poor people, and punish them for the innocent blood they have spilt.
- John Foxe
God is jealous, and the Lord avenges; The Lord avenges and is furious. The Lord will take vengeance on His adversaries, And He reserves wrath for His enemies. (NAHUM 1:2)
- John Hagee
God bears long with the wicked notwithstanding the multitude of their sin, and shall we desire to be revenged because of a single injury?
- AW Pink
Three nails driven into the head commemorated as many crises in Maggie's nine years of earthly struggle; that luxury of vengeance having been suggested to her by the picture of Jael destroying Sisera in the old Bible.
- George Eliot
Let me say before I go any further that I forgive nobody. I wish them all an atrocious life and then the fires and ice of hell and in the execrable generations to come an honoured name.
- Samuel Beckett
Revenge, at first though sweet, bitter ere long back on itself recoils.
- John Milton
Avenge, O Lord, thy slaughter'd saints, whose bones lie scatter'd on the Alpine mountains cold; Ev'n them who kept thy truth so pure of old when all our fathers worshipp'd stocks and stones forget not.
- John Milton
Though God is strict to mark iniquity and to punish transgression, He takes no delight in vengeance. The work of destruction is a "strange work" to Him who is infinite in love.
- Ellen White
And let every one that is yet out of Christ and hanging over the pit of hell, whether they be old men and women or middle-aged or young people or little children, now hearken to the loud calls of God's word and providence. This acceptable year of the Lord that is a day of such great favor to some will doubtless be a day of as remarkable vengeance to others.
- Jonathan Edwards
faciamque in eis ultiones magnas arguens in furore et scient quia ego Dominus cum dedero vindictam meam super eos
- Jerome