Quotes about Security
Only those who put tomorrow completely into God's hand and receive fully today what they need for their lives are really secure.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
When God writes our names in the 'Lamb's Book of Life' He doesn't do it with an eraser handy. He does it for eternity.
- RC Sproul
Faith in God - life can never take you by surprise again.
- James Dobson
I know of no realm of life that can provide more companionship in a lonely world or greater feelings of security and purpose in chaotic times than the close ties of a family.
- Charles Swindoll
I struggled with insecurity because I was trying to find my security in things. But when I began serving God with all my heart, my security was in Him.
- Jeremy Camp
The sovereignty of God is the one impregnable rock to which the suffering human heart must cling.
- Jerry Bridges
The debate between politicians over the size of our nuclear arsenal and the number of aircraft carriers and submarines our navy should have is, in a sense, a futile debate. Both sides are ultimately trusting in military muscle; they only differ in how much is necessary. The Christian, however, must trust in God, not military might of any size.
- Jerry Bridges
Not only has the debt (of our sins) been fully paid, there is no possibility of ever going into debt again.
- Jerry Bridges
We as Christians should put our trust in God, not in our nation's armaments.
- Jerry Bridges
God's providence clearly affirms that we can trust God.
- Jerry Bridges
No one can harm you or jeopardize your future apart from the sovereign will of God.
- Jerry Bridges
I can't say how every time I ever put my arms around you I felt that I was home.
- Ernest Hemingway