Quotes about Wage
Let's finally guarantee equal pay for women.
- Hillary Clinton
I want women to get paid more. I want to teach them to negotiate so they get paid more.
- Sheryl Sandberg
Moral crisis is produced when the same affluent Catholics who faithfully go to mass deny their workers a dignified wage.
- Isabel Allende
The man of good heart maintained that a moral crisis is produced when the same affluent Catholics (religious people) who faithfully go to mass (church) deny their workers a dignified wage. These words should be engraved on the thousand-peso note, so we never forget them.
- Isabel Allende
A great lathe operator commands several times the wage of an average lathe operator, but a great writer of software code is worth 10,000 times the price of an average software writer.
- Bill Gates
It is some more Moral Sense. The proprietors are rich, and very holy; but the wage they pay to these poor brothers and sisters of theirs is only enough to keep them from dropping dead with hunger.
- Mark Twain