Quotes about Arrogance
Pride is corrosive, and it rubs off. You're going to have a tough time developing Christlike humility and thinking of yourself with sober judgment if your close friends are arrogant, full of pride, and looking down their noses at everyone else.
- Bill Hybels
Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity
- Booker T. Washington
Progress apart from purpose ends in arrogance.
- Bishop TD Jakes
The people of this world make a god for themselves in their own image, and in doing so they make God far, far, far, too small.
- Ted Dekker
As Paul wrote, a love that is patient, showing no jealousy or arrogance, keeping no record of wrong, not seeking its own and not provoked by another's behavior. These are the evidences of true love which flows from those who know the Father and His limitless love for them.
- Ted Dekker
Part of the sin of Pride is a subtle but deep racism.
- KP Yohannan
A man's ignorance sometimes is not only useful, but beautiful, while his knowledge, so called, is oftentimes worse than useless beside being ugly. Which is the best man to deal with, he who knows nothing about a subject, and what is extremely rare, knows that he knows nothing, — or he who really knows something about it, but thinks that he knows all?
- Henry David Thoreau
I think it would be arrogant and borderline foolish to believe there's no other life forms that exist out there.
- Will Smith
Pride is the master sin of the devil.
- Edwin Hubbell Chapin
A man who makes himself a god must hide; otherwise his false divinity will be unmasked.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
God will never direct us to be prideful, arrogant and unforgiving, immoral or slothful or full of fear. We step into these things because we are insensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit within us.
- Charles Stanley
Pride is an independent, me-oriented spirit. It makes people arrogant, rude and hard to get along with. When our heart is prideful, we don't give God the credit and we mistreat people, looking down on them and thinking we deserve what we have.
- Joyce Meyer