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Quotes about Arrogance

For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
- Dale Carnegie
The desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life.
- Dallas Willard
Now, as St. Augustine saw long ago, the opposite of love is pride. Love eliminates pride because its will for the good of the other nullifies our arrogant presumption that we should get our way. We are concerned for the good of others and assured that our good is taken care of without self-will. Thus pride and fear and their dreadful offspring no longer rule our life as love becomes completed in us.
- Dallas Willard
Righteous anger invites change. It can envision what the other might look like if the arrogance controlling the heart was pierced. Anger is a surgical weapon, designed to destroy ugliness and restore beauty. In the hands of one who is trained in love and who can envision beauty, the knife of righteous anger is a weapon for restoration.
- Dan Allender
The modern ignorance is in people's assumption that they can outsmart their own nature. It is in the arrogance that will believe nothing that cannot be proved, and respect nothing it cannot understand, and value nothing it cannot sell.
- Wendell Berry
He had been too successful, you see; his was that solitude of contempt and distrust which success brings to him who gained it because he was strong instead of merely lucky.
- William Faulkner
that adult trait of being convinced of anything by an assumption of silent superiority
- William Faulkner
When we forget that, we unwittingly reduce God's ways to our ways and God's thoughts to our thoughts. Our hearts become factories of idols in which we fashion and refashion God to fit our needs and desires.
- Miroslav Volf
Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst, and cold.
- Thomas Jefferson
Pride makes us artificial; humility makes us real
- Thomas Merton
But the pride of those who live as if they believed they were better than anyone else is rooted in a secret failure to believe in their own goodness.
- Thomas Merton
When a proud man thinks he is humble his case is hopeless.
- Thomas Merton