Quotes about Arrogance
Presumption and despair are opposite deadly sins. We hear a lot about despair, and the need for hope; but what is presumption?
- Peter Kreeft
A country will have authority and influence because of moral factors, not its military strength; because it can be humble and not blatant and arrogant; because our people and our country want to serve others and not dominate others. And a nation without morality will soon lose its influence around the world.
- Jimmy Carter
Pride dies 20 minutes after death.
- Francis de Sales
His conduct reveals that he has more confidence in what he can do for himself than in what God can do for him. He has, in fact, "snubbed" God. It is this attitude that calls forth God's curse.
- Derek Prince
The occult has come out into the open. It is not hard to see that the powers of the occult are increasing—the boldness, the arrogance, the claims to superiority
- Derek Prince
When we worry we say to God, 'I can't trust You. You're not doing Your job, so I'm going to step in and take over.' We can't just call that arrogance and foolishness—it's sin.
- Lori Wick
Loosed of his burden, Christian makes his way to the bottom of the hill where he finds three men fast asleep. Foolish represents spiritual dullness and ignorance. Sloth represents spiritual laziness. Presumption represents spiritual pride and arrogance. The consequences of all three conditions are self-inflicted incarceration and lack of progress on the King's Highway.
- John Bunyan
humility comes before honor and a haughty spirit before a fall.
- John Bunyan
Presumption said, Every fat must stand upon his own bottom.
- John Bunyan
The pride of young men requires that they seem wise, despite their inexperience, and the only way to appear all-knowing without going to the tedium of acquiring knowledge, is to hold all knowledge in weary-seeming contempt.
- John C. Wright
I don't know why it is, exactly, but the people with the healthiest self-esteem are also the greatest at intimacy. I'm not talking about arrogant people. I'm talking about people who know they are both good and bad yet believe at the deepest level they are really good for people. It's a beautiful moment when somebody wakes up to this reality, when they realize God created them so other people could enjoy them, not just endure them.
- Donald Miller
Pride makes us rest content with ourselves—think we are good enough as we are—keep us from taking advice—refuse the gospel of Christ—turn every one to his own way. But pride never reigns anywhere so powerfully as in the heart of a young man.
- JC Ryle